Image of Prof. Andy Radford

Professor Andrew Radford: Research Group

Professor of Behavioural Ecology

Tel: +44 117 394 1197
Email: andy.radford at

Current Group Members | Main Collaborators | Recent Alumni


Yoonjung Yi

Dr Yoonjung Yi (Newton International Fellow; University of Bristol; 2024-2027)

  • Intergroup conflict: pre-emptive behaviour and lasting consequences.
  • Funded by the Royal Society.
  • Working on the Javan Gibbon Research and Conservation Program.

  • Amy Morris-Drake

    Dr Amy Morris-Drake (PDRA; University of Bristol; 2024-2026)

  • The provision and value of public goods in a biological market.
  • Funded by a NERC Grant awarded to Andy Radford.
  • Working on the Dwarf Mongoose Research Project and the Kalahari Meerkat Project.

  • Becky Padget

    Dr Becky Padget (PDRA; University of Bristol; 2024-2026)

  • The provision and value of public goods in a biological market.
  • Funded by a NERC Grant awarded to Andy Radford.
  • Conducting theoretical modelling.

  • Josh Arbon

    Dr Josh Arbon (PDRA; University of Bristol; 2022-2025)

  • Pre-emptive behaviour in a landscape of intergroup conflict.
  • Funded by a NERC Grant awarded to Andy Radford.
  • Working on the Dwarf Mongoose Research Project and the Kalahari Meerkat Project.

  • Emma Weschke

    Emma Weschke (PhD student; University of Bristol; 2019-2024)

  • The ecology and disturbance of nocturnal coral reef fish.
  • FSBI studentship (Co-supervised by Prof. Steve Simpson).
  • Working on coral reef fish in Australia and French Polynesia.

  • Clemency White

    Clemency White (PhD student; University of Exeter; 2020-2024)

  • The impacts of anthropogenic noise on sharks.
  • Exeter Alumni Studentship (Co-supervised by Prof. Steve Simpson).
  • Working on sharks in the USA.

  • Cathy Hobbs

    Cathy Hobbs (PhD student; University of Exeter; 2020-2024)

  • The impacts of sporting events on fish behaviour and fitness.
  • Exeter Alumni Studentship (Co-supervised by Prof. Steve Simpson).
  • Working on fish populations in the UK and USA.

  • Natalie Tegtman

    Natalie Tegtman (PhD student; Australian National University; 2019-2024)

  • Assessing risk: anti-predator vigilance and social information.
  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (Co-supervised by Prof. Rob Magrath, Australian National University).
  • Studying dwarf mongooses and fairy-wrens.

  • You Zhou

    You Zhou (PhD student; Australian National University; 2019-2024)

  • Impacts of anthropogenic noise on bird communication.
  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (Co-supervised by Prof. Rob Magrath, Australian National University).
  • Studying scrubwrens and fairy-wrens.

  • Chun-Chieh Liao

    Chun-Chieh Liao (PhD student; Australian National University; 2012-2025)

  • Vocal communication in cooperative societies.
  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (Co-supervised by Prof. Rob Magrath, Australian National University).
  • Studying white-winged choughs.

  • Lauren Vane

    Lauren Vane (PhD student; University of Bristol; 2024-2028)

  • Drivers of social behaviour.
  • NERC DTP GW4+ studentship (Co-supervised by Dr Andy Wakefield and Prof. Lauren Brent, University of Exeter).
  • Working on the Dwarf Mongoose Research Project and the Kalahari Meerkat Project.

  • Ayla Webb

    Ayla Webb (PhD student; University of Bristol and Macquarie University, Australia; 2024-2028)

  • The evolution of cooperation and conflict in social wasps.
  • Cotutelle studentship (Co-supervised by Dr Patrick Kennedy and Dr Adam Stow, Macquarie University).
  • Working on Australian paper wasps.

  • Jess Hodge

    Jess Hodge (PhD student; University of Bristol; 2024-2028)

  • Coral reef acoustics and restoration.
  • NERC DTP GW4+ studentship (Co-supervised by Prof. Steve Simpson).
  • Studying coral reef fish in Australia and Egypt.

  • Teun de Jong

    Teun de Jong (PhD student; University of Bristol; 2024-2028)

  • Climatic influences on the evolution of paper wasp cooperation and conflict.
  • University of Bristol/Cape Town studentship (Co-supervised by Dr Patrick Kennedy).
  • Working on South African paper wasps.

  • Dominique Baptiste

    Dominique Baptiste (Masters by Research student; University of Bristol; 2023-2024)

  • ALAN effects on marine communities and behaviour.
  • Opportunity Bristol scholarship (Co-supervised by Prof. Steve Simpson).
  • Working on marine species in the Red Sea, Egypt.

  • Lina Yousry

    Lina Yousry (Masters by Research student; University of Bristol; 2023-2024)

  • Age variation in cooperation and responses to cooperative acts.
  • Self-funded.
  • Working on the Kalahari Meerkat Project.

  • Lola von Kietzell

    Lola von Kietzell (Masters by Research student; University of Bristol; 2024-2025)

  • Anthropogenic noise effects on avian vocal communication.
  • Self-funded.
  • Working on Australian birds.


  • Professor Steve Simpson (University of Exeter, UK)
  • Professor Rob Magrath (Australian National University, Australia)
  • Dr Suzanne Mills (Universite de Perpignan, France)
  • Dr Andy Young (University of Exeter, UK)
  • Dr Mandy Ridley (University of Western Australia, Australia)
  • Dr Matthew Bell (University of Edinburgh, UK)


    Harry Suter

    Dr Harry Suter (PhD, University of Bristol; 2024)

  • Social drivers of cognitive evolution.
  • Currently searching for PDRA positions.

  • Lauren Vane

    Lauren Vane (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2024)

  • Anthropogenic influences on mongoose social decisions.
  • Became a PhD student at the University of Bristol..

  • Evie Croxford

    Evie Croxford (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2024)

  • Mitigating and using noise on coral reefs
  • Searching for PhD positions.

  • Patrick Kennedy

    Dr Patrick Kennedy (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, University of Bristol & Columbia University; 2021-2023)

  • The links between climate and kin selection.
  • Became a Lecturer at the University of Bristol.

  • Ines Goncalves

    Dr Ines Goncalves (PDRA, University of Bristol; 2017-2023)

  • Consequences of out-group conflict.
  • Moved to a research position in Australia.

  • Isla Davidson

    Dr Isla Davidson (PhD, University of Bristol; 2023)

  • Multimodal communication in a changing world.
  • Became a PDRA at Cornell University.

  • Ben Cobb

    Dr Ben Cobb (PhD, University of Bristol; 2023)

  • Within- and between-group drivers of social decision-making.
  • Became a researcher with the NHS.

  • Lucy Westover

    Lucy Westover (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2023)

  • Anthropogenic influences on mongoose behaviour.
  • Became a Specialist Technician in Sustainability, University of Bristol..

  • Pernille Sorensen

    Dr Pernille Sorensen (PhD, University of Bristol; 2023)

  • The influence of habitat configuration on the evolution of communication systems and cooperative behaviour in male bottlenose dolphins.
  • Became a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Laure Olivier

    Dr Laure Olivier (PhD, University of Exeter; 2023)

  • Variability and uncertainty in the reproductive games of cooperative breeders.
  • Now searching for research positions.

  • Sophie Nedelec

    Dr Sophie Nedelec (formerly Holles) (PDRA, University of Exeter; 2017-2022)

  • Impacts of anthropogenic noise on reproduction and survival.
  • Became a Lecturer at the University of Exeter.

  • Dr Kieran McCloskey

    Dr Kieran McCloskey (PhD, University of Exeter; 2022)

  • Impacts of underwater anthropogenic noise on individuals and populations.
  • Became a researcher for a conservation organisation.

  • Isla Hely

    Isla Hely (Masters by Research, University of Exeter; 2022)

  • Anemonefish behaviour in a changing world.
  • Became a researcher with the BBC.

  • Dr Amy Morris-Drake

    Dr Amy Morris-Drake (PhD, University of Bristol; 2021)

  • Consequences of within- and between-group conflict in dwarf mongooses.
  • Became a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Ben Williams

    Ben Williams (Masters by Research, University of Exeter; 2021)

  • Underwater sound transmission and effects on marine wildlife.
  • Became a PhD student at University College London.

  • Patrick Kennedy

    Dr Patrick Kennedy (PDRA, University of Bristol; 2018-2020)

  • Consequences of out-group conflict.
  • Became a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol and Columbia University.

  • Lucille Chapuis

    Dr Lucille Chapuis (Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow; University of Exeter; 2018-2020)

  • Impacts of anthropogenic noise on fish.
  • Became a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Auckland.

  • Tim Lamont

    Dr Tim Lamont (PhD, University of Exeter; 2020)

  • The changing song of the sea: soundscapes are indicators and drivers of ecosystem transition on tropical coral reefs.
  • Became an 1851 Royal Commission Research Fellow at the University of Lancaster.

  • Emily Grout

    Emily Grout (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2020)

  • Variation in alloparental care in dwarf mongooses.
  • Became a PhD student at the University of Konstantz and the Max Planck Institute.

  • Emily Richmond

    Emily Richmond (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2020)

  • Impacts of anthropogenic noise on social behaviours in a cooperatively breeding fish.
  • Became a secondary school teacher.

  • Ben Ashton

    Dr Ben Ashton (PDRA, University of Bristol; 2018-2019)

  • Cognitive consequences of out-group conflict.
  • Became a Macquarie University Independent Research Fellow.

  • Laura Richardson

    Dr Laura Richardson (PDRA, University of Exeter; 2017-2019)

  • Scientific dissemination of ecosystem restoration projects.
  • Became a Marie Curie Research Fellow.

  • Susanne Schindler

    Dr Susanne Schindler (PDRA, University of Bristol; 2017–2019)

  • Consequences of out-group conflict; theoretical modelling.
  • Now seeking lectureship positions.

  • Patrick Kennedy

    Dr Patrick Kennedy (PhD, University of Bristol; 2019)

  • Uncertainty and the evolution of altruism: Theory and fieldwork in the paper wasps of Central and South America.
  • Became a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Harry Harding

    Dr Harry Harding (PhD, University of Bristol; 2019)

  • Intraspecific variation in responses to underwater anthropogenic noise.
  • Became a research assistant at the University of Exeter.

  • Katy Chapman

    Katy Chapman (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2019)

  • Impacts of motorboat noise on the parental-care behaviours of two species of coral-reef damselfish.
  • Became a PhD student at the University of Exeter.

  • Emma Weschke

    Emma Weschke (Masters by Research, University of Exeter; 2019)

  • Ecological implications of motorboat noise on coral reef fish communities.
  • Became a PhD student at the University of Bristol.

  • Emily Richens

    Emily Richens (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2019)

  • The effects of variation in anthropogenic noise on anti-predator behaviours in dwarf mongooses.
  • Now seeking PhD positions.

  • Izzy Jarrold

    Izzy Jarrold (Masters by Research, University of Bristol; 2019)

  • Investigating the impacts of anthropogenic noise on the behaviours of animals in groups.
  • Now a vet student at the University of Bristol.

  • Julie Kern

    Dr Julie Kern (PDRA; University of Bristol; 2016–2018)

  • Consequences of out-group conflict in dwarf mongooses.
  • Now an independent research fellow at the University of New England, Australia.

  • Sophie Manson

    Sophie Manson (Field manager; 2017–2018)

  • Ran the Dwarf Mongoose Research Project in South Africa.
  • Now working in nature conservation.

  • Robin Southon

    Dr Robin Southon (PhD, University of Bristol; 2018)

  • Adaptive value of males in primitively eusocial societies.
  • Now working as a research assistant at UCL.

  • Josh Arbon

    Josh Arbon (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2018)

  • Context-dependent contributions to cooperative behaviours.
  • Now a PhD student at the University of Exeter.

  • Isla Davidson

    Isla Davidson (MSc by Research, University of Exeter; 2018)

  • Hearing Nemo: alarm calling behaviour in a coral reef fish.
  • Now a PhD student at the University of Bristol.

  • Emma Eastcott

    Emma Eastcott (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2018)

  • Intrapopulation variation in vigilance responses to anthropogenic noise in dwarf mongooses.
  • Now seeking PhD opportunities.

  • Matthew Lavelle

    Matthew Lavelle (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2018)

  • The effects of light and noise pollution on tree leaf fall and cricket behaviour.
  • Now seeking PhD opportunities.

  • Francesca Dawson Pell

    Francesca Dawson Pell (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2017)

  • Use of heterospecific social information by Australian magpies, Cracticus tibicen.
  • Now a PhD student at the University of Sheffield.

  • Julie Kern

    Dr Julie Kern (PhD, University of Bristol; 2016)

  • Flexible receiver responses to anti-predator vocalisations in dwarf mongooses.
  • Now working as a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Emily Bell

    Dr Emily Bell (PhD, University of Bristol; 2016)

  • Phenotypic plasticity and the origin of castes in eusocial insects.
  • Now working as a teaching fellow at the University of Bristol.

  • Amy Morris-Drake

    Amy Morris-Drake (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2016)

  • The effect of anthropogenic noise on the anti-predator behaviour of dwarf mongooses.
  • Now a PhD student at the University of Bristol.

  • Lauren Fear

    Lauren Fear (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2016)

  • The ecology of fear and anthropogenic noise.
  • Now applying for PhD positions.

  • Emily Armstrong-Smith

    Emily Armstrong-Smith (Masters by Research, University of Exeter; 2016)

  • Damselfish in Distress: an exploration of context-dependent stress responses of coral reef fish exposed to anthropogenic noise.

  • Anna Bracken

    Anna Bracken (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2014; Field Manager for Dwarf Mongoose Project; 2016)

  • Variation in response of dwarf mongooses to alarm calls depending on caller identity.
  • Now a PhD student at Swansea University.

  • Charlotte Christensen

    Charlotte Christensen (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2015; Field Manager for Dwarf Mongoose Project; 2015–2016)

  • Adaptive territorial scent-marking behaviour in dwarf mongooses Helogale parvula.
  • Now a PhD student at Swansea University.

  • Sophie Nedelec

    Dr Sophie Nedelec (formerly Holles) (PhD, University of Bristol; 2015)

  • Impacts of anthropogenic noise on behaviour, development and fitness of fishes and invertebrates.
  • Now a PDRA at the University of Exeter.

  • Julia Purser

    Dr Julia Purser (PDRA; 2010–2014)

  • The impacts of anthropogenic noise on fish behaviour and physiology.
  • Funded by Defra; worked on European eels; now on maternity leave.

  • Anna Davies

    Dr Anna Davies (PhD, University of Bristol; 2014)

  • Information use and decision-making stress in chickens.
  • Nominated for a Faculty thesis prize and now a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Kate Rogerson

    Kate Rogerson (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2014)

  • The effect of anthropogenic noise on the alarm-call behaviour of dwarf mongooses.
  • Now a PhD student at the University of East Anglia.

  • Amy Sibun

    Amy Sibun (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2014)

  • Social bonds in dwarf mongoose society.
  • Now a reserve manager in southern Africa

  • Rick Bruintjes

    Dr Rick Bruintjes (Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow, NERC Business Intern, Defra-funded PDRA; 2011–2013)

  • The impacts of anthropogenic noise on fish behaviour and physiology.
  • Now working for Defra.

  • Emily Bennitt

    Dr Emily Bennitt (Field manager; 2012–2013)

  • Ran the Dwarf Mongoose Research Project in South Africa.
  • Now a member of academic staff at the University of Botswana.

  • Irene Voellmy

    Dr Irene Voellmy (PhD, University of Bristol; 2013)

  • Effects of anthropogenic noise on fish behaviour.
  • Now a NERC Business Intern at University of Bristol.

  • Kirsty Everley

    Kirsty Everley (MSc, University of Exeter; 2013)

  • Effects of pile-driving noise on the behaviour and physiology of the European sea bass.
  • Received a Distinction and is now a PhD student at the University of Southampton.

  • Jessica McLachlan

    Jessica McLachlan (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2013)

  • Parent-offspring communication in the white-browed scrubwren.
  • Received a Faculty of Science Commendation of Excellence and is now a PhD student at the University of Cambridge.

  • Dan Pointon

    Dan Pointon (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2013)

  • Individual alarm call recognition in a non-social territorial species, the European robin, Erithacus rubecula.

  • Steve Simpson

    Dr Steve Simpson (NERC KE Fellow; 2010–2012)

  • The impacts of anthropogenic noise on fish behaviour and physiology.
  • Now an Associate Professor at the University of Exeter.

  • Linda Hollen

    Dr Linda Hollen (Marie Curie Fellow; 2008-2012)

  • Signal reliability and decision-making in social birds.
  • Now a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Erica Morley

    Dr Erica Morley (Defra-funded PDRA; 2011–2012)

  • The effects of noise on biodiversity.
  • Moved to a PDRA position at the University of Toronto; now a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Jenny York

    Dr Jenny York (PhD, University of Bristol; 2012)

  • The evolution and regulation of dawn song performance in white-browed sparrow weaver society.
  • Moved to a PDRA position at the University of Exeter; now a PDRA at the University of Cambridge.

  • Matthew Wale

    Matthew Wale (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2012)

  • Crabs unquiet in noisy seas - ship noise and the shore crab Carcinus maenas.
  • Now a PhD student at Edinburgh Napier University.

  • Emma Kerridge

    Emma Kerridge (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2012)

  • Dose-dependent reactions of European eels Anguilla anguilla to ship noise played at close range.

  • Julie Kern

    Julie Kern (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2012)

  • Decision-making by dwarf mongoose Helogale parvula sentinels.
  • Became a PhD student at the University of Bristol; now a PDRA at the University of Bristol.

  • Sophie Holles

    Sophie Holles (MSc by Research, University of Bristol; 2011)

  • The impact of noise on three-spined stickleback behaviour.
  • Received a Faculty of Science Commendation of Excellence and became a PhD student at the University of Bristol.

  • Krystyna Golabek

    Dr Krystyna Golabek (PhD, University of Bristol; 2010)

  • Vocal communication and the facilitation of social behaviour in the southern pied babbler Turdoides bicolor.
  • Now a PDRA at the University of Oxford and research coordinator of the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust.